BENV1010 Tracing the City Wk 1

Group 3 - G15 Observing and Documenting. 

Buildings and Structures on site 

     Within area M15,  the main buildings included the Robert Webster Building, the Lower Quadrangle Food Court, and a small section of the level two interior of the main quadrangle building. 

Apart from the Webster Theatres, the other areas of the site were relatively smaller areas for designated users. The Lower Quadrangle, the Webster greenery, and the level two area of the main quadrangle building could be accessed through open paths, and could be observed easily from their respective open areas. The second level of the South Quadrangle Building is separated from the lower quadrangle as it is within the architecture of the South Building itself. Unlike the Lower Quadrangle, which has numerous paths and open passages into the area, the upper level of the quadrangle building is only reachable through the stairs of the South Quadrangle Building. Furthermore, the Webster greenery is situated on the opposite side of the Webster theatre, and is connected to the Quadrangle Building by a small undercover passage. 

Although they aren't far away, the Lower Quadrangle, the Webster greenery, and the second level of the South Quadrangle Building are all placed in seemingly separate sections of the area, connected only by certain stairs and pathways. 

5min sketches and extensive Drawings 


Natural and Material Elements on site 

Within area M15, natural elements such as trees and shrubs are specifically concentrated within the Webster greenery. 

Additionally, the Lower Quadrangle has its own section of flora and trees, which is further accompanied by the small grass lawn outside F15. 

The main material element of the site is brick and concrete. Present in every location, bricks are the main material used for pathways and stairs between certain areas. Concrete is also common throughout all the areas of M15 as it is a necessary material for developing the form of all modern infrastructures. 

How do people use the site? 

Most of the time, people use the areas between M15 to get from one place to another. However, the lower quadrangle is a common place for students who want to study outdoors, and the lower Quadrangle has its own passive area along with its own food court to accomodate people who want a meal or some time out. 
